Student Experience of Learning: Understanding the Dates and Timeline


This article is intended to provide additional details surrounding the dates for the Blue Student Experience of Learning (SEL) process for faculty.  We will outline the time line in chronological order to provide better understanding and expectations to each step in the process for faculty. 

The article is to be used in conjunction with: UNH: Student Experiences of Learning Survey (UNH-D, UNH-M, Law, CPSO): Important Dates


In general the entirety of the SEL process has the following steps:

In the hyperlinked sections below, click through to be brought to more specific details about that part of the SEL process.

  1. Data Integrity Gateway (DIG)
  2. Question Personalization (custom survey questions) for faculty
  3. Surveys open to students
  4. Surveys close to students
  5. Reports are generated and released to faculty for redaction purposes
  6. Redaction request process opens
  7. Redaction request approval process
  8. Redactions are completed
  9. Reports are released to deans, dept. chairs and faculty

Data Integrity Gateway (DIG): 

The SEL process is very fluid, however most cases will follow the aligned schedule and process above. The DIG lasts generally two weeks, where appointed department coordinators work to ensure:

  • Courses are marked "Yes" or "No" for being surveyed
  • Courses have the correct instructors and TAs assigned 
  • Courses are reviewed for any cross-listing that maybe required

Once the DIG process is complete, admins will compile the information and publish the courses to be surveyed.

Question Personalization (QP):

Faculty will receive an email, 7 days prior to surveys opening.  This email contains a link to the Management Task so that faculty can confirm rosters in Blue as well as a link to Question Personalization where they can add any Custom Questions they would want to provide to students during the survey period. Faculty are limited to a total of 5 additional questions.

Surveys open to students:

This timing varies based on the type of course that is being surveyed - either in-person or online. 

  • In-person courses have a 14 day open survey period that runs 14 days prior to course end dates.  Students have time during this period to take the survey for the specific course and edit any answers prior to the surveys closing at midnight the day that course ends. 
  • Online course surveys have a 10 day open window where the surveys open 7 days before a course end date and run 3 days after the course end date. These dates vary from campus to campus and course to course based on the course end dates. 

We try to provide the most common dates in UNH: UNH: Student Experiences of Learning Survey (UNH-D, UNH-M, Law, CPSO): Important Dates but if your course’s end date does not align with courses of its type in this table then your dates may differ slightly. Use the information above to calculate a more accurate survey window.

Reports are generated and released to faculty for redaction purposes:

After grades have been submitted, reports are generated for each course that was surveyed and released to faculty only. This is a 14 day period where faculty can review their responses.  If they feel any comments are inappropriate or malicious in anyway, they can request to have those comments redacted.  This is a request only and may not be approved.  Approval happens at the Academic Affairs - UNH Provost's Office level.  Redaction requests can be made here: 

Redaction request approval process:

When the redaction request process ends, requests will be compiled and reviewed by the Academic Affairs - UNH Provost's Office level.  This process can take up to 7 days.

Redactions completed:

This is a 7 day window. Once redactions have been approved, they are compiled and sent over to the Blue admins.  The admins will take this time to review and edit comments as requested saving the changes in the system. 

Reports are released to deans, dept chairs and faculty:

Now that the entire survey process has been completed, final reports with any redactions will be compiled and released to faculty, deans and department chairs.  These users will now have full access to department level reports. 

Further Readings

UNH: Student Experiences of Learning (SEL) (Blue) - DIG Overview

Student Experience of Learning (SEL) Survey (Blue) - Faculty Question Personalization (QP)

Pinned Article Student Experiences of Learning (SEL) Survey (Blue) - Overview

Student Experience of Learning (Blue) - Redaction of Comments

UNH Student Experiences of Learning (Blue) - Understanding the Instructor SEL Reports


Need Additional help?

Please fill out the Student Experiences of Learning Webform with as much detail as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.

For additional Training please visit the Teaching and Learning Technologies Training Website.


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Article ID: 4833
Tue 1/9/24 10:54 AM
Wed 1/10/24 8:03 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)