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This article has instructions for both how to log in and log out of a PaperCut-enabled Conway-managed Xerox Multi-Function Device (MFD) printer/copier/scanner on campus.
A Xerox Printer/Copier/Scanner is a single Multi-Function Device (MFD) that can print, copy, and scan documents. This article details instructions on using a Xerox Printer/Copier/Scanner MFD.
This article has instructions for how to use a web browser to release a print job to the printer you select. This article is for PSU and UNH faculty and staff. Use these instructions after you have sent a document to a PaperCut-enabled printer from an app or browser on your managed computer.
This article has instructions for how to release a print job through the printer control panel on a PaperCut Xerox printer/copier/scanner (MFD). You can either tap-to-release or login manually to select and print your print jobs. Other print job release options include Releasing Print Jobs via QR Code or via Web Browser. This article is for USNH faculty and staff.
This article has instructions for how to release a print job using the QR code posted at a printer/copier/scanner (MFD). Other available options include Releasing Print Jobs at Xerox Printer/Copier/Scanners (MFD) (tap-to-release) and ​​​​​​​Releasing Print Jobs via Web Browser. This article is for USNH faculty and staff.
This article contains instructions for USNH employees to add and print to the Employee PaperCut Print queues. These instructions are for Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS. There are many varieties of Linux and desktop environments, so you may need to adjust these steps to your particular Linux distribution.
This article has instructions to set up PaperCut's Mobility Print on your personal devices or computers. Mobility Print is also an alternative for UNH-managed MacOS computers where you log into the computer with a local account name (like John Doe) that does not match your USNH username (like jbd2519).

After you set up Mobility Print on a device, then you can print to PaperCut printers from that device.  Set up Mobility Print on each device from which you want to print.
This article has instructions for how to print to a Conway-managed Xerox printer/copier/scanner multi-function device (MFD) from a USNH-managed Windows computer. This article is for USNH employees.
This article points to articles and resources for how to use PaperCut printer/copier/scanners (MFDs) deployed at USNH campuses.  This article is for USNH faculty and staff.
This article has instructions for how to print to a Conway-managed Xerox printer/copier/scanner multi-function device (MFD) from a USNH-managed MacOS computer. This article is for USNH employees.
This article points to articles and resources for student printing at USNH campuses - Keene State College (KSC), Plymouth State University (PSU), and University of New Hampshire (UNH).
This article has instructions to manually add PaperCut Direct Print Queues to a computer managed by USNH. These instructions are for managed computers at UNH and the USNH System Office only. For unmanaged or personal devices, use PaperCut Mobility print instead.
This article has instructions for how to set up your ID Card so you can use it to tap and release print jobs at any paper-cut enabled Conway-managed Xerox Multi-Function Device (MFD) printer/copier/scanner on campus.