My Recently Visited Services
Website & Mobile Development & Design services include Drupal development, information architecture, and systems integration.
Request help or ask questions about budget, planning, financial reporting, banking, and financial compliance, including taxation.
The Facilities Services Department provides comprehensive services to the KSC campus through the following units: Campus Stewardship, Energy and Utilities, Building and Mechanical Services, Maintenance Operations, and Project Management.
Use this form to request either a Linux or Windows based virtual machine.
Report a problem or ask a question regarding technology in a classroom or learning space.
Faculty and staff may request additional Office 365 licenses such as Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Project, Power BI, or access to free Windows Server Standard.
Cloud Storage & Filesharing services enable you to store, collaborate, and share information; it can be accessed through your computer, phone or tablet. You can upload content, organize files, share links to files, manage file and folder permissions as well as collaborate with colleagues both inside and outside the University System anytime, anywhere, from any device.
The approved Cloud Storage for USNH is: Microsoft 365 OneDrive, SharePoint, and Microsoft Teams.
This service should only be used to request background checks for the following:
Graduate Assistantships (GA/TA/RA)
Rechecks/Annual Requirements for Youth Programs (every 3 years) or Youth Skills Camps (annual) for current employees
Motor Vehicle Searches for required current employees (every 3 years) and students (annual)
Learning Space Technologies has a large catalog of portable audiovisual equipment for your course or course requirement.
Service for Internet of Things (IoT or IOT) connectivity:
Oculus VR
Google Nest, Google Home
Amazon Fire TV, Echo, and Alexa systems
Apple TV
Smart TV
Apple watch
Google pixel watch
Nintendo Wii, WiiU, and Switch
Playstation 3, 4, and 5
Xbox 360 One
Smart Plugs, smart lights, smart speakers
Wireless gaming and devices
Online and self-help services are available through WebROCK. WebROCK is available to all GSC students enrolled in credit-bearing coursework.
Email is a collaboration and messaging application within the Microsoft 365 (M365) suite. All active students, faculty, and staff are provisioned with a USNH campus email address.
To report issues or request support for tracking time within Workday, accessing historical information in UKG (Kronos), or requesting time off.
New Supervisory Org:
Make a request using this form if you are unable to go through the job change process to assign a new manager within Workday.
Go to Employee Profile > Related Actions > Job Change > Start Job Change > Move to New Manager to assign a member of your team to report to a new manager (and retain all other current attributes of their job). If the new manager’s supervisory org does not exist or cannot be found in the search, then proceed with this service request to set up the new manager with a supervisory organization in Workday.
Update Existing Supervisory Org:
Please be sure to provide the Organization ID (Reference ID) for the existing supervisory org, and any data elements that need to be updated. Updates to the organization assignments will not automatically default to existing positions under the org. Use the Change Organization Assignments for Worker business process to update the position.
Enterprise Technology & Services provides file sharing and storage for individuals and workgroups, using desktops and all major mobile computing platforms.
In compliance with state law, the University System of New Hampshire provides access to public records, as defined by RSA 91-A: . Please refer to RSA 91-A to be sure that your information request falls under this state law.
* If you would like information regarding one of our campuses, courses or degrees offered, please contact the Outreach and Enrollment Center:
Messages quarantined as High Confidence Phishing by Microsoft have met specific conditions; whether it’s suspicious message composition commonly seen in phishing messages, inclusion of suspicious or malicious links or attachments, or even poor sender reputation. Once quarantined as High Confidence Phishing, the message must be reviewed by USNH CyberOps to ensure it presents no real threat to USNH IT Systems and the community prior to its release.
WebIntelligence (WebI) is an enterprise application supporting self-service access for reporting and analysis of data from various applications.
The Cybersecurity Operations team is available to assist in responding to and investigating events and incidents that may have information security implications (e.g. Red Flag, Compromised Account, Unauthorized Access, etc.)
USNH uses Jamf Pro, an IT and asset management system, to manage all of its institutionally-purchased Apple computers and iPad fleet.
Search the Service Catalog to find specific service(s) for your issue -
Submit a general request if you cannot find a specific service to address your issue.
All applications for Investigator status should be submitted to the Senior Vice Provost for Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach or their designee prior to submitting the Intent to Submit Form for the proposed project. Approval to serve as an Investigator must be approved prior to proposal submission.