Popular Services
This service is only available at GSC, KSC, and UNH, for hiring of Student Hourly and Work Study Student Employees.
PSU Supervisors/Hiring Managers: Please visit the PSU Human Resources SharePoint Site for more information on Student Hiring:
For general support requests and questions of the USNH Procurement Offices. Not sure how to begin? Use this form and one of our knowledgeable procurement managers will contact you.
*Do not post any restricted information in this request, for example social security numbers (SSNs) or date of birth (DOB).
TeamDynamix Application Administration provides access, training, and configuration for the TeamDynamix Application.
To make changes to an employee’s job or position information, including FTE changes, Job Location changes, TS Org changes, Contract/Appointment Date changes, and other such requests.
Desktop Support provides hardware and software support to all USNH faculty and staff. We service all Windows and Apple laptops and desktops, as well as tablets and phones.
This process is used to hire all adjunct staff at KSC and UNH regardless of hours or duration of appointment.
If you do not have an identified candidate and would like to recruit for an adjunct staff position you may utilize PeopleAdmin to create a job posting. Resources can be found here: https://www.unh.edu/hr/peopleadmin
This service is not available at PSU.
PSU Supervisors/Hiring Managers: Please visit the PSU Human Resources SharePoint Site for more information on Adjunct Staff Hiring:
Please note: This does not include status faculty/staff taking on additional adjunct positions. Please follow the Additional Pay or Faculty Supplemental Pay process.
To notify HR of employee resignations, retirements, and terminations.
For use by UNH ONLY:
This form is for status (benefited) tenure track faculty, research faculty, lecturers and/or clinical faculty to request and track the approvals and payment of supplemental and overload responsibilities. These include teaching, out of contract service and both Sponsored and internal-to-UNH research.
This form should NOT be used to hire new or returning adjunct faculty members whose primary role is NOT a status faculty member. To submit a request for all other adjunct faculty hires, please refer to the Adjunct Faculty Hire form.
For additional assistance, please refer to the resource documents posted here: https://www.unh.edu/provost/academic-administra...
Review the following before submitting a request:
If you are trying to install software, first check to see if the software is already available to USNH-managed computers. Open Company Portal (Windows) / Self-Service (Mac) and search for the software you need. If it is listed there, then you can install it without needing Administrator privileges.
The standard for justification of access to PAM requires that you have a legitimate reason for use of elevated privileges exceeding 10 separate instances over the course of one year, on average.
If the software is not on Company Portal/Self-Service but this is a one-time request OR if you do not meet the frequency of use justification, please fill out the ET&S Service Desk web form to request assistance.
The Facilities Services Department provides comprehensive services to the KSC campus through the following units: Campus Stewardship, Energy and Utilities, Building and Mechanical Services, Maintenance Operations, and Project Management.
To request general support from the HR department. You may also contact your campus HR Partner:
For a list of HR Business Partners at UNH and their areas of responsibilities, please visit: https://www.unh.edu/hr/partners
To connect with the campus HR team at Keene State College, please call (603) 358-2406 or email kscappt@keene.edu
Plymouth State University is NOT currently using this request form, please connect with the campus HR Team at (603) 535-2250 or email psu-humanresources@plymouth.edu for assistance.
To update an employee's Supervisor and/or Time Approver.
Please note: Only full time status employees can be designated as a supervisor or time approver.
Exception requests should be submitted when adherence to a USNH Cybersecurity Standard or Policy is not possible for technical reasons. Examples of exception requests include but are not limited to a blocked website, a device that cannot be upgraded due to specialized instrumentation software, a required security tool is not supported by an OS or application, a legacy operating system is required for educational purposes, or a lab environment requires modified security controls.
Exception requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, so it is important to provide as much information as possible to support your request, including a description of the compensating controls that will provide protection. Approved exceptions are assigned an expiration date within 30, 60, or 90 days to allow time for developing a solution. If a solution cannot be determined or implemented within the timeframe, then the risk exception may move into the process for risk acceptance.
Web & Mobile Application Development & Design services include Drupal development, information architecture, and systems integration.
Email is a collaboration and messaging application within the Microsoft 365 (M365) suite. All active students, faculty, and staff are provisioned with a USNH campus email address.
For use by UNH and KSC.
This form is used for new and returning adjunct faculty and NOT status (benefited) tenure track faculty, research faculty, lecturers and/or clinical faculty supplemental pay and overloads.
For UNH Only: Supplemental pay and overloads will be processed using the form found here: https://td.usnh.edu/TDClient/60/Portal/Requests...
One ticket per course is required. Multiple courses cannot be combined, as they are separate job records and require individual processing.
PSU Supervisors/Hiring Managers: Please contact the Office of Academic Affairs for more information on Adjunct Faculty hiring. (psu-academic-affairs@plymouth.edu | Phone: (603) 535-3500)
Central Printing Services are available to staff and faculty to provide centralized printing queues that are easily accessible while on campus or on the VPN. Follow-Me Printers will be configured for Tap-to-Release. Customization is available for special circumstances, pending approval.
Canvas is a well-designed, streamlined Learning Management System (LMS) that focuses on saving time and effort, so that faculty and students can focus on the course content and not the tool allowing for a greater focus on teaching and an easier, more consistent experience for students.
The Technology Selection and Purchase process helps connect your business needs with existing technology solutions, saving your valuable time and maximizing resources. Use the Submit a Request link to ask a question about this process, request assistance in technology selection, or initiate a request for a technology acquisition (whether it is free or requires purchase).
Directory Services offers technical support staff the ability to add, change, or otherwise manage computers and user groups within USNH's various computing directories.
To report issues or request support regarding Time and Leave Reporting through the Kronos application.
This service should be used to request background checks for the following:
Graduate Assistantships (GA/TA/RA)
Rechecks/Annual Requirements for Youth Programs (every 3 years) or Youth Skills Camps (annual) for current employees
Motor Vehicle Searches for required current employees (every 3 years) and students (annual)
Faculty and staff may request additional Office 365 licenses such as Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Project, Power BI, or access to free Windows Server Standard.