Articles (37)

Pinned Article PSU - Overview of Mahara

This article summarizes Mahara, how to use it, and explains the 5 Navigation options found on the Main Menu. This article will be most helpful to PSU faculty users who are interested in an overview of Mahara.

Pinned Article PSU - What is an ePortfolio?

This article summarizes what ePortfolio and Mahara are. This article will be helpful to PSU faculty who are interested in getting a basic idea of what ePortfolio and Mahara are.

PSU - Adding Blocks to Mahara ePortfolios: Single Images, Multiple Images, and PDF Files

This article explains how to use blocks in Malhara to add single images, multiple images, and PDF files to an ePortfolio. This article will be helpful to PSU faculty wanting to add these kinds of files to their ePortfolios.

PSU - Adding Files to your Create Section

This article explains how to add files to an existing Mahara page. This article will be most helpful to PSU staff interested in adding new files to one of their pages.

PSU - Adding Your LinkedIn Profile to Mahara

This article describes how to add a LinkedIn profile onto Mahara. This article will be most helpful for PSU faculty interested in adding LinkedIn profiles onto Mahara.

PSU - Copying a Collection (Portfolio) in Mahara

This article explains how to copy a portfolio, called a collection, in Mahara. This article will be useful to PSU faculty or students needing to copy portfolio templates in Mahara.

PSU - Copying a Portfolio Template from the Educator (Teacher) Prep Programs

This article describes a couple different methods for copying a portfolio template. This article will be most helpful to PSU faculty interested in learning a couple different ways to copy a portfolio template.

PSU - Copying a Single Page Template

This article explains the steps of copying a single page template on Mahara. This article will be most helpful to PSU faculty interested in the step-by-step how-to of copying a single page template.

PSU - Creating a Hyperlink

This article describes how to create a hyperlink on Mahara. This article will be most helpful to PSU faculty who are interested in creating hyperlinks on their pages.

PSU - Creating a New Collection

This article describes how to create a new collection on Mahara. This article will be most helpful to PSU faculty who are interested in learning how to create a new collection.

PSU - Creating a Secret URL

This article describes the process of creating a secret URL on Mahara. This article will be most helpful to PSU faculty interested in understanding how to create a secret URL on Mahara.

PSU - Creating Notes (Text Boxes) in your Mahara ePortfolio

This article explains how to add notes (text boxes) to a Mahara ePortfolio. This article will be useful to PSU faculty members wanting to add text boxes to their ePortfolios.

PSU - Creating your New ePortfolio Page

This article explains how to create a new ePortfolio page and use block options. It includes a thorough description of block types and configurations. This article will be helpful for PSU faculty interested in learning how to create a new ePortfolio page and use/understand different block options.

PSU - Deleting Files from a File Section

This article describes how to delete files from file section on Mahara. This article will be most helpful to PSU faculty interested in deleting files from a file section on Mahara.

PSU - Editing a Note (textbox) Block

This article describes how to modify/edit an existing note block on Mahara. This article will be most helpful to PSU faculty who are interested in learning how to edit an existing note block.

PSU - Embed a PDF document on your ePortfolio page.

This article describes how to embed a PDF document on your ePortfolio page. This article will be helpful to PSU faculty users who are interested in understanding how to embed a PDF document.

PSU - Embedding a Kaltura Video on Mahara ePortfolio Page

This article explains how to embed Kaltura videos into Mahara. This article will be most helpful for PSU faculty interested in learning how to embed videos into Mahara.

PSU - Embedding Video from YouTube

This article explains how to embed a YouTube video onto Mahara. This article will be most helpful to PSU faculty interested in learning how to embed YouTube videos onto Mahara.

PSU - Exporting and Importing Mahara Data

This article describes how to export and import Mahara data. This article will be most helpful for PSU faculty interested in learning how to export and import Mahara data.

PSU - Finding or Viewing Mahara P&T Examples

This article describes how to find and view Mahara P&T examples. This article will be most helpful to PSU faculty interested in viewing P&T examples.

PSU - Frequently Asked Questions for Mahara

This article answers frequently asked questions regarding accessing Mahara and editing portfolio pages. This article will be most helpful to PSU faculty looking to begin to understand multiple different aspects and options for accessing Mahara and editing portfolio pages.

PSU - Giving Edit Access to Someone to Your ePortfolio Page or Collection

This article describes how to give someone access to edit your ePortfolio page and/or collection. This article will be most helpful to PSU faculty interested in sharing editing access to their ePortfolio page/collection.

PSU - Making an Image a Hyperlink in Mahara ePortfolios

This article explains how to make an image a hyperlink in a Mahara ePortfolio. This article will be helpful to PSU faculty editing their ePortfolios.

PSU - Overview of the Create Section in Mahara

This article summarizes the Create section in Mahara. This article will be helpful for PSU faculty looking to understand and use Mahara to create ePortfolios.

PSU - Overview of the Important Portfolio Pages in Mahara

This article explains the important portfolio pages in Mahara. This article will be helpful to PSU faculty looking to better understand the portfolio pages in Mahara, along with the different security levels of the Profile and Portfolio page types.

PSU - Reusing Note Blocks in Mahara ePortfolios

This article explains how to reuse a note block from one page to another in Mahara. This article will be useful to PSU faculty who are looking to reuse a note block in multiple ePortfolios.

PSU - Uploading an MP3 file into Mahara

This article explains two methods on how to upload an MP3 file into Mahara. This article will be most helpful to PSU faculty interested in knowing both ways to upload an MP3 file into Mahara.

PSU - Uploading Files (Artifacts) to Mahara

This article explains how to upload files, also known as artifacts, to Mahara. This article will be helpful to PSU faculty making ePortfolios in Mahara that want to include files from their computer.

PSU - Using the Engage Options in Mahara

This article explains how to use the Engage options in Mahara. This article will be useful to PSU faculty looking to understand and use the Engage options in Mahara

PSU - Using the Profile and Profile Picture in Mahara

This article explains the basic features of the Profile and profile picture options in Mahara. This article will be helpful to PSU faculty looking to customize their Mahara Profile.

PSU - What are the uses of a Mahara ePortfolio?

This article explains what the uses of Mahara ePortfolios are. This article will be helpful to PSU faculty who are interested in learning how ePortfolios may benefit them.

PSU Accessing Mahara

This article describes how to view and access the Mahara (ePortfolio) dashboard page from logging in to myPlymouth. This article will be helpful for PSU faculty users who are interested in understanding how to access the Mahara (ePortfolio) dashboard page.

PSU Adding a File or Folder Block in Mahara

This article describes the steps of adding a file or a folder block on Mahara. This article will be helpful for PSU faculty users who are interested in adding files and folders to their Mahara page.

PSU: Add Pages to a Collection

This article describes how to add pages to a collection on Mahara. This article will be helpful to PSU faculty users who are interested in understanding how to add pages to a collection on Mahara.

PSU: Add PowerPoint to Mahara

This article describes how to add a PowerPoint to Mahara. This article will be helpful to PSU faculty users who are interested in understanding how to add a PowerPoint to a page.

Using the Shared with Me Section in Mahara

This article explains how to use the "Shared with Me" section in Mahara. This article will be helpful for PSU faculty wanting to view items that have been shared with them in Mahara.